The Best Packaging Solutions for your Company’s Products

Find the best packaging solutions for your company’s products with VMA LOGDIST. Design, printing, packaging, industrial supplies and more: we have it all.
Find the best packaging solutions for your company’s products with VMA LOGDIST. Design, printing, packaging, industrial supplies and more: we have it all.
Calle Francisco Eusebio Kino
#17020, Garita de Otay
Tijuana, BC, 22430
Lun-Vie: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
8662 Avenida de la Fuente
Ste. 9, San Diego, CA, 92154
Mon-Fry: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Intellectual property © 2010-2024. VMA LOGDIST.